About Deep Fix
Deep Fix is a bestselling newsletter and podcast that was chosen for Substack’s coveted Mentor Fellowship program.
It's also a community. For three years during the pandemic, I hosted international dialogues on a variety of topics, including existential risk, sensemaking, collective healing, the Self, death, and more.
Deep Fix is a home for people who feel that something is awry in a world so undeniably beautiful. This newsletter is about finding depth where shallowness reigns. It’s about intellect, heart, and soul. Fundamentally, I’m interested in how we can mend the fractured reality of modern existence to create less suffering. I’m equally dedicated, I hope, to celebrating the unerring perfection woven into the fabric of our universe.
Most of my essays explore culture, philosophy, psychedelic science, mysticism, and social healing. Some weeks, I share tales of overcoming a near-fatal addiction or my other gonzo misadventures. But I’m particularly interested in the fact that there’s no such thing as a one-person story. All human endeavors exist both in the personal and the collective.
For the blessedly uninitiated, fix refers to a dope hit. All forms of modern addiction—from drugs to screens—are central to my work. The meaning of fix also functions literally: bandaid solutions do not balm wounds of the soul.
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Deep Fix podcast
Wakefulness for a distracted world. Conversations on psychology, spirit, sense, and culture
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Deep Fix newsletter & podcast
Wakefulness for a distracted world. On psychology, culture, spirit, and sense
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